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Croasdales is a small group of independent pharmacies based in Bury St Edmunds offering a wide range of medical related services to the local community.

Please see cancellation policy at the bottom of the page.


Our pharmacist at Croasdales Mountpharm is fully trained to administer the two chicken pox vaccines - Varivax and Varilrix.


These vaccines are given over two doses, six weeks apart, each dose costing £75.00 (price is subject to change)


For more information please contact us on 01284 723061.


Image by Kimia Zarifi


Carried out by a fully trained member of staff in a private consultation room in our town centre branch. U.S. FDA & EC Compliant, trusted by more retailers, jewellers and physicians than any other system in the world and the safest ear piercing guaranteed! Starting from just £22!

Image by National Cancer Institute



  • Diabetes Testing 

  • Cholesterol Testing 

  • Blood Pressure Testing 

  • Nutritional Advice

  • Healthy Living Advice

  • Smoking Cessation

  • New Medicine Service (NMS)

  • Medicine Disposal 

  • Needle Exchange

  • Sharps Bin Disposal

  • Emergency Hormonal Contraception 

  • Seasonal Flu Vaccinations 

  • Holiday Healthcare 

  • Chlamydia Testing

  • C-Card Scheme 

Our pharmacists are trained to provide initiation of oral contraception if you are wanting to start contraception for the first time or supply ongoing requests without the need for you to visit your GP.
Free Blood Pressure Checks 
Our pharmacists are trained to take your blood pressure readings for free, if you qualify under the NHS Scheme. Results will be recorded and submitted to your GP. 

Your GP is also able to refer you to us if you require ABPM (Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring)


Our pharmacist at Croasdales Mountpharm is fully trained to administer travel vaccinations and prescribe antimalarial medication. 


If you are unsure if you require vaccinations prior to travelling please contact us, providing us with your destination and travel dates, our pharmacist will be happy to help you.


We charge £15.00 for a travel consultation which will be deducted from the vaccine price. 


- Comprehensive travel vaccinations

- Antimalarials

- Altitude sickness

- Insect repellents

- Jet lag

- Period delay

For pricing please click on the following link (Prices subject to change)


Croasdales Travel Clinic Prices 


Image by Billie


​​Mark Cator is a footcare specialist taking appointments Monday to Saturday. He covers Hard skin removal, Corn removal, Verruca treatment and Nail cutting.


Practicing in Croasdales Pharmacy town centre branch IP33 1BE

The Alexander Technique
A way to feel better and move in a more relaxed and comfortable way.
An Alexander Technique teacher shows you how to move with less stress on your body.
The Alexander Technique is for you if you are ready to feel more comfortable in your daily activities.
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Our pharmacists at Croasdales can help you with seven common conditions without needing a GP appointment.


- Sinusitis - Adults & Children aged 12 years & over.

-Sore throat - Adults & Children aged 5 years & over.

- Earache - Children aged 1 to 17 years old.

- Infected Insect Bite - Adults & Children aged 1 year & over. 

- Impetigo - Adults & Children aged 1 year & over.

- Shingles - Adults aged 18 years & over.

- Urinary Tract Infection - Women aged 16 to 64.


We also accept referrals for minor illnesses from GPs, NHS 111 and other urgent and emergency care providers. Medication Emergency supplies can be supplied when referred by NHS 111. 


Our pharmacists at both branches are trained to provide FoodPrint - a food sensitivity IgG antibody test, analysing up to 207 foods. 

Reduce your symptoms quickly;
IBS, Migraine, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Headaches, Lethargy, Nausea, Stomach Cramps and Abdominal Pain. 


Croasdales Food Test Prices 



Our pharmacist at Croasdales Mountpharm is fully trained to administer the Shingles Vaccination


This vaccination is given over two doses at a cost of £450.00 (price is subject to change)


For more information please contact us on


Check My Hearing - The Lead Audiologist has over 10 years experience of Hearing tests and Ear wax removal in the private and public sector. 


Mr Joshua Knight aims to professionally diagnose any hearing concerns and prides himself on providing you with the best support and clinical advice necessary to find the most suitable solution for you.


Check My Hearing is an independent company which means we are not tied to, or owned by any manufacturer. Offering all Hearing Aids from every manufacturer in the world. To enquire about our services or book an appointment please call or book online today via the website - 


Practicing  in Croasdales Pharmacy town centre branch IP33 1BE

Monday – Saturday 9am-5pm.


Image by Kelly Sikkema
Image by How-Soon Ngu


Piers Day (Suffolk Hypnotherapy) initially trained at The Cambridge College of Hypnotherapy. Since has trained with some of the worlds leading Therapeutic Teachers in many differing approaches of Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), for example, Analytical (Hypno - Analysis), Ericksonian , goal-orientated NLP, Guided Affective Imagery, Suggestion therapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).


He is a registered HypnoBirthing® Practitioner for pain free and natural birth, Critical Incident Debriefing (Post Trauma Therapy) and a Registered IBS expert. Associations and Societies are an important part of Piers' ethical approach to life. He subscribes to the various code of ethics to ensure client confidentiality, best practice rules and regulations (copies available on request)


Practicing in Croasdales Pharmacy town centre branch IP33 1BE















We are currently looking for a Reflexologist to join our clinicians. Please contact Francesca for room availability.


Debbie Greenslade offers a range of homeopathic treatments and nutritional advice


An individual, holistic approach is given in each consultation, together with lifestyle and nutritional advice. This ensures that you gain maximum benefit from each treatment and reach an optimum level of health where treatment is no longer necessary.


Here are just a few of the conditions we successfully treat:

• Allergies, asthma and hay fever

• Anxiety, insomnia and low self-esteem

• Depression and grief

• Infertility and recurring miscarriage

• Infant complaints such as eczema, colic, recurring colds and coughs

• Childhood illness like tonsillitis, otitis media and headaches

• Hormonal imbalances, PMS and menopausal symptoms

• Pregnancy and childbirth support

• Verruca's and molluscum


Practicing in Croasdales Pharmacy town centre branch IP33 1BE


Cancellation Policy 

If you are unable to make your appointment, please contact us by phone as soon as possible on 01284 723061.  

Cancellation of an appointment with less than 24 hours notice will be charged to cover the cost of any non-returnable medication that has been ordered in to provide the clinic. 

'No show' appointments will be charged at the full amount.


Appointment times can be changed free of charge within reason. 

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Jodie Murfitt (JM FootHealth) 

Foot Health Practitioner 

Jodie offers footcare in the comfort of people's homes locally and working every Thursday and occasional Tuesdays from Croasdales town centre branch 9am-5pm. 

Jodie covers a range of foot related issues from

General nail cutting, diabetic foot health, ingrown toenails and callus and corn removal.

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